Here's a comprehensive piece which completely debunks Ossiana's claims:
As well as the obviously totally unimportant matter of the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, which almost brought down Western capitalism altogether (and which erupted AFTER Obama made his promise on Roe), Obama DID NOT HAVE THE NUMBERS to codify Roe v Wade into law.
In fact, he was left with the choice of either getting Obamacare through by leaving abortion rights out of it... or getting nothing whatsoever through at all.
Remarkably, at that time. the nationwide pro-choice majority had shrunk to almost zero. This was confirmed when a whole host of pro-choice Democrats were booted out by Tea Party nutcases in 2010... as Democratic voters sat on their backsides and watched it happen.
Just as they sat on their backsides and watched it happen in 2014 - their own laziness, arrogance and stupidity enabling McConnell, with 54 senators, to block Merrick Garland. Just as they sat on their backsides and watched it happen in 2016 because "muh Hillary's not left wing enough muh Bernie would've won muh Hillary and Trump are just the same muh".
The Democratic Party has failed to protect abortion rights because Democratic voters have consistently failed to protect abortion rights. While watching an absolute monster emerge and letting it wreak havoc: because those voters just could not be bothered to pay the remotest attention.
So what's Ossiana's advice now? Does she understand or even try to understand the context? Realise that without the numbers having been there, a magic wand couldn't be waved? Appreciate the many great things Obama did do - not least the small matter of giving over 30m Americans health insurance? Recognise that as of now, 48 is not a bigger number than 50, so Biden is stuffed without more senators?
No no. It's to blame the innocent party and worse - far worse - actually encourage people not to vote at all. Because when push comes to shove, that's how much she really cares about women and girls facing trauma, violence. death in their droves as a result of what an illegitimate Republican Court featuring not one, but two sexual predators and fully four members who perjured themselves in front of the whole world has done.
And on top of that, it's:
"Hey women! Hey girls! Hey anyone with a pulse who wants to stop these monsters turning the US into the Fourth Reich with nuclear weapons! I'm out of here... because I am the only thing that truly matters. The rest of you can burn.
I'm such a raging narcissist, I'll even boast about how I'll get to pay less taxes. While counting the money this article - about my favourite subject, me, me, me - makes me. Exploiting the devastation and terror faced by women and girls in the US and further afield for MY personal gain".
You'll never see it, Ossiana. Never, ever. But you advising people not to vote at a time like this is an absolute disgusting disgrace. And a gift to an out and out terrorist organisation: the Republican Party. Which terrorises a whole country as people like you, self-obsessed to the very end, throw everyone else under a giant, hateful bus.
Shame on the Democrats? No. Shame on you.