I couldn't agree more with all of these. Except, er, number 4: which is a massive red flag.
Your approach on number 4 says the following: "I don't value you as a person. At all. In fact, I value you so little that I expect you to pay for the privilege of my time". Treating something which is supposed to be romantic, light-hearted, fun, as a business transaction.
What's truly breathtaking is how many female respondents have lapped up your entire article. In other words, they want to have their cake and eat it too. And can't see the glaring contradiction.
Your response to someone else who pointed this out, meanwhile, shows you to be astonishingly oblivious about a world in which huge numbers of men make MUCH less money than women... and are openly penalised for that by people like you. Who claim to believe in equality (good: so should we all), but actually don't. And therefore, are still stuck in patriarchy whenever it suits you.
All your other points are bang on. Point 4 more than hints at a pretty awful level of selfishness.