Oh look, Umair's written his monthly rehashed article on Britain again! You know the one: which just repeats the same thing again and again and hilariously, gets tons of hits regardless.
Umair doesn't do facts. He doesn't even do basic grammar either. Both of those things are reserved for the thick Britons he likes to ridicule, you see. He doesn't know when the government came to power; he doesn't know when or when not to use an apostrophe with 'its'; he can't even be bothered to use a capital 'C' and capital 'P' for 'Conservative Party'!
But here's the thing. Just like Boris Johnson, the man Umair rightly holds in contempt, he's laughing all the way to the bank. Because he'll keep writing this half-baked, not even proofread drivel... and his readers will keep lapping it up.
This isn't journalism. It's not even polemicism. It's grift, plain and simple. And Medium shouldn't be enabling, least of all promoting, such utter guff on its platform.